Piano music lessons

I offer piano lessons to both beginners and more advanced players. Styles covered are classical, rock, modern pop, blues, musical theatre and film music. I can develop a teaching programme to suit your own personal musical tastes and abilities. I cover the basics of treble and bass clef note reading, geography of the piano and playing techniques.

The piano remains one of most approachable, versatile and rewarding instruments you can play. It is very useful for accompanying other instruments and a valuable tool if you are considering a career in music. It is a good instrument to start with and you are never too old to learn! Adults beginners tend to learn quickly and those that have played an instrument in childhood and decide to come back to it later on in life tend to show rapid progress. For children starting at six or seven years old can be suitable, especially if they can read quite well, know their alphabet and are already showing an enthusiasm for the piano.


Averil is a wonderful piano teacher. She taught me how to recognise notes, play some pieces and pass the gradeĀ 1 exam with distinction in 6 weeks. She is kind and compassionate, not minding if you get anything wrong- just gently telling you where and guiding you through. I have really enjoyed her lessons and I am sure you will too.